Monday, April 11, 2011

A smile can make a major difference to your business.

It costs nothing, yet it has such a major impact!

With strains on marketing budgets and business cash flows you would think they would be free flowing. But something so cost effective and easy to implement is a rarity these days.

I'm talking about a smile...

When you walk into a business and a person smiles at you, you feel instantly welcomed and important.  Unfortunately it's usually the opposite that we are greeted with.

So why then do we not instill in our team members that it is compulsory to smile when greeting and communicating with clients and customers?  I understand this may be hard for those in the funeral business for example, but they can in the very least display an open, empathetic face that shows care and understanding.

Customers are going to have a far better experience, be more inclined to communicate and discuss their needs with a friendly smiling attendant, rather than a grumpy non smiling person that treats the customer like an inconvenience.

My personal experience
I was at the car wash yesterday and as I watched the cars going through the system I couldn't help but notice the lethargic non-enthused, unhappy approach that each attendant adopted to undertaking their task in the production line.

These people were in full view of the customers sitting watching their pride and joy being washed while trying to enjoy a coffee.

As a paying customer, should I be made to feel that I am inconveniencing the staff?  Couldn't my experience have been a lot nicer with a simple smile on the faces of the attendants. It costs nothing and is only a matter of management instilling and explaining the importance as a part of the company culture.

If your staff don't enjoy what they're doing and can't smile, tell them to go and do something else that does make them smile, then hire someone who not only has a better attitude, but is going to contribute to the overall success of your business.

I am a firm believer that simple, FREE things like this can make a profound difference to your business and most importantly your customers experience in your business.

At a time when customers have unlimited choice available on the internet and when every dollar they spend counts, you have the power to make sure your customers and clients want to use only you...because you make them feel like they belong to you and nowhere else.

I have witnessed companies spending thousands of dollars to attract new business, only to have a non smiling, inconvenienced attendant go up apathetically try and 'help' them, when a happy, smiling, energetic, caring attendant could have not only satisfied the customer but welded them to your business, and even better, referring new business, because you show you care.

Try it... smile tomorrow it may even change the way you approach your own day.